Kibble is not healthy. It is not bioavailable, which refers to the amount of nutrients that are made available to your dog's body cells after eating. We live in bizarre times where almost everyone is putting the wrong fuel in their car. And there's huge corporate mechanic shops making billions off of it and promoting repairs. Meanwhile no one is addressing the bad fuel that is causing these problems in the first place.
In the case of dogs, the bad fuel is kibble and the lack of bioavailable nutrients. The huge corporate mechanic shops are big kibble companies like Nestle Purina and Mars Inc that are making billions off of disease and profiting even more by selling you a pill they claim will repair the damage they helped to create in the first place. Kibble is not healthy.
What's in the food and how it is prepared determines its' bioavailability, What's in the food and how it is prepared determines how bioavailable the nutrients are, which refers to the amount of nutrients that are made available to your dog's cells after they eat that either help to optimize their health or destroy it slowly or quickly.
Kibble is not bioavailable, prescription or not. Most kibble contain ingredients that are by-products of other industries, and are made of other ingredients that are difficult for dogs to digest like corn and wheat, which have most probably been sprayed in glyphosate, which is actually toxic. Kibble is not healthy because it is not optimally bioavailable.
The ingredients aren't the only problem. Kibble is also mass produced at extremely high temperatures, which causes an increase in the amount of Advanced Glycation End Products, or AGEs to form. AGEs are harmful oxidative compounds that accumulate in body tissues overtime and create stress and inflammation in the body, which increases the risk of developing diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Kibble is not healthy because it is not optimally bioavailable.
Dr. David Turner, PhD., the life expectancy of Golden Retrievers has decreased about 5 years. He suspects its because of AGEs. "We have see the impacts that AGEs have on humans, yet we are giving our pets 100 times more (by feeding kibble.). In a little over a decade, Golden Retrieves have lost about 5 years off their life expectancy. We believe that processed pet food consumption has contributed to this concerning statistic."
According to Dr. Nick Thompson, DVM, "65% of dogs in the UK and USA are overweight or obese" and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association now classifies obesity as a disease. A 2019 Banfield report stated that just over half of the dogs hospitalized in 2019 were considered overweight, which is 10% - 20% more than their ideal body weight. In fact, 51% of the approximately 1.9 million adult dogs seen at Banfield were classified as overweight which is directly linked to "endocrinopathies, metabolic abnormalities, cardiovascular disease, and functional alterations, such as joint disorders and decreased immune function."
So if kibble is not healthy nor bioavailable, what is?
This 2014 study reported that "the inclusion of whole food ingredients in natural pet foods as opposed to fractionated ingredients may result in higher nutrient concentrations, including phytonutrients. Additionally, the processing of commercial pet food can impact digestibility, nutrient bioavailability, and safety..."
Feeding a species-appropriate diet is bioavailable and healthy. Raw food or cooking at home is the way to go if you want your dog to thrive. Click here for more info on raw food, here for more info on home-cooking and here for more info on bioavailable supplements to support your pup's optimal health.
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