Zoetis should not be trusted. Neither Should Zoetis. Librela is an osteoarthritis medication and Zoetis is the company that produces it. Zoetis is the world's leading animal health company and producer of medicine and vaccinations for livestock. They were once a subsidiary of Pfizer, but now are a completely independent company. They claim to use science to "sustain life" at the foundation of everything they do, yet use of their products could possibly be fatal. Zoetis should not be trusted.
According to Bragar, Eagel & Squire, P.Cn April 12, 2024, The Wall Street Journal released a "shocking report detailing the alarming number o adverse events associated with animal osteoarthritis pain medications Librela and Solensia, manufactured by Zoetis."
Solensia is a "once-monthly, injectable monoclonal antibody therapy for the control of feline osteoarthritis (OA) pain and claims to control the pain of OA, helping to improve their mobility, comfort and well-being."
Librela (bedinvetmab injection) is "the first and only monthly injectable anti-nerve growth factor (NGF) monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy for dogs with osteoarthritis pain. The drug works by neutralizing nerve growth factor in joints by basically shutting down the pain pathway and decreasing the amount of nerve growth factor being product. It helps to alleviate swelling, which causes discomfort.
Librela should not be trusted. Neither should Zoetis. Any product that shuts down anything in the body will ultimately lead to more sickness later on. In nature, dogs products antibodies via B-lymphocytes are a natural immune response to "foreign molecules on invading disease cells/viruses, or on cancer cells. Natural antibodies are targeted to bind these foreign or cancerous molecules, as part of the body defending itself. However, if the immune system becomes dysregulated, the body a create antibodies that bind to self-proteins. This causes the body to attack itself, and results in autoimmune diseases. If antibodies bind to health proteins in the body, it often causes harm and upsets to the homeostasis of the organism."
Zoetis states the most common side effects of Librela that occurred in clinical studies, "were urinary tract infections, bacterial skin infections and dermatitis." Their disclaimer also states that "there are potential adverse events associated with all veterinary products, so it is important to work closely with your veterinarian, who knows your dog's health history to understand the potential risk and benefits.
Clinical trials that are funded by the same company that is manufacturing and selling the products are completely biased. For example, this 2021 study titled, "A prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled multisite clinical study of bedinvetmab, a canine monoclonal antibody targeting nerve growth factor, in dogs with osteoarthritis," concluded that the drug is perfectly safe and effective when administered monthly for up to 9 months at 0.5 - 1.0 mg kg. All of the authors of this particularly study were Zoetis employees while engaging and completing the research. Zoetis should not be trusted.
This 2023 study also documented the efficacy and safety of Librela and that "adverse events were similar between (placebo and control) groups and not considered treatment-related." All of the authors of this study were also Zoetis employees while engaging and completing this research. Zoetis should not be trusted.
Big Pet Pharma's influence over clinical trials enables drug companies to focus on the benefits of the a given drug, in this case, Librela and downplay the risks and safety of the product to protect their bottom line, which is profit and not the health or well-being of your dog. The information documented in these clinical trials are biased and influence veterinarians to prescribe a drug without knowing all of the risks. To be clear, vets are not to blame here. Most are very hard-working and well-intentioned. Big Pet Pharma, like Zoetis, are the culprits.
The studies linked above are the only clinical trials completed and they are both funded by Zoetis. It is just not possible to receive unbiased information from clinical trials that are funded by the same company that is manufacturing the product to sell. Additionally, these studies were published in 2021 and 2023 and was approved by the FDA in May 2023. There is no possible way for the long-term side effects of Librela to be fully understood because the product hasn't been around long enough for side effects to be observed and documented, not that Zoetis would tell the truth anyway.
According to this recent article published in the Washington Post, pet owners claim that after taking Librela, "their dogs had trouble walking or suffered kidney failure." Others reported on social media that their dog's "mobility appeared to decline after using the drug, citing hind leg paralysis in some cases an inability to walk. Others said their dogs experienced anorexia, lost control of their bowels or experienced kidney issues after using the drug."
In addition to social media complaints, a Change.org petition was created to recall Librela from the market until further testing is completed. The petition states, "while some dogs may experience success with Librela, the thousands of dogs suffering from adverse reactions cannot be ignored, Zoetis should enhance the clarity of its product information regarding Librela, specifying suitable candidates for its uses."
Zoetis should not be trusted with your dog's Osteoarthritis, or any condition for that matter. If your dog does have osteoarthritis, exploring alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs first is always a good option. Feeding a raw or home-cooked will increase the amount of antioxidants in their diet and decrease inflammation, which will help to alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Supplementing with natural products like golden paste and Wholistic Pet Organics Joint Mobility GLM: Dog Health Supplement Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs Arthritis Pain Relief Hip and Joint Support Green Lipped Mussels will naturally reduce inflammation and promote mobility.
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