Woo woo is defined as anything that is NOT mainstream and perhaps a bit controversial. Woo woo is alternative therapies, which can include homeopathy, ozone therapy, acupuncture, crystals, etc. They don't cause any horrific side effects. They are based on the belief that the body has the power to heal itself and involved the mind, body and spirit. Treatment is individualized and dependent on the symptoms present (Read more here).
And in my experience both personally and with my dog, Sheldon, woo woo works far better than mainstream medicine ever has.
First and foremost, homeopathy has been a life saver for both of us, and I mean that literally. When Sheldon, my now, 9-year-old, healthy-as-a-horse, English Bulldog was diagnosed with vasculitis and a host of other chronic conditions, homeopathy saved him, steroids did not, in fact, they almost killed him. Was extremely skeptical of homeopathy and never in a bajillion years thought that it would work, but it did. And my love and appreciation for woo woo was born.
Read on to learn more about woo woo that works:
Homeopathy is a medical system that was developed by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago, based on two unconventional, yet highly effective theories:
- “Like cures like”—the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people.
- “Law of minimum dose”—the notion that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness. Many homeopathic products are so diluted that no molecules of the original substance remain. (Read more here)
Ozone therapy has been used for the last century to increase oxygen in the body, which in turn reduces inflammation, pain, swelling and activating the body's immune system. Ozone contains three oxygen atoms, which react in the tissue as it breaks down to ordinary oxygen (O2) and a reactive singlet oxygen molecule that can combine with chemicals and other molecules, which helps to detoxify toxins that have built up over time (Read more here).
Acupuncture involves inserting tiny needs into the skin to stimulate different points on the body to produce a healing response. "In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is said to restore the appropriate flow of chi, or energy, throughout pathways in the body. In Western medicine, acupuncture is believed to work by stimulating neural-hormonal pathways to release hormones that reduce pain and inflammation. The needles are also believed to improve blood circulation at the points of insertion" (Read more here).
Crystals have been used for thousands of years that were founded from Buddhism and Hinduism. "Crystals are known to help radiate positive energy to a specific source. There are many different types of crystals, each having a specific healing ability for the body, mind and soul. Crystals are known to promote good, positive energy and get rid of the negative energy of a person’s mind and body which can then aid to create both physical and emotional benefits". (Read more here)
Each of the above holistic practices have been around for centuries and treat the unique and individualized needs of the patient instead of doling out aggressive medications that are not effective and wreak havoc on the body.
Would you give these a try.on your animal?