Our animals are in a Hairy Situation
The veterinary industry is in the business of keeping animals alive, not curing them or keeping them healthy. Vet schools are funded by the dog food guy, the dog food guy is also owned by the vaccine guy and the vaccine guy makes the laws on what makes what legal and what is approved. The dog food guy is also friends with the vet board guy because the vet board guy is funded by the vaccine guy.
Their agenda for dogs is not the same as yours. Keep reading.
Why Kibble is a Killer
Why AGEs are dangerous
Excess Sugar is a Killer
Excess sugar is a killer. According to Dr. Karen Becker, DVM, "We know the top issues that dogs struggle with in North America are exacerbated by sugar. We know that cancer needs sugar as a fuel source. Diabetes - we know that sugar is a direct cause of type.2 diabetes. Obesity - we know that fat doesn't make your dog fat.- carbs, sugar, and starch make your dog fat." Read more here.
Kibble is AGEing your Dog
Kibble is AGEing your dog. We’ve all been told that a yummy bag of kibble (grain free!) is the epitome of nutrition… — only now a study proves that this is not true. Kibble, in fact, based on recent studies done by David Turner, a scientist at is toxic just by the creation process due tobeing extremely high in AGES (advanced glycation end products). Kibble is so high in AGES that it can be deadly over time. Read more here.
You are the Most Important Environmental Factor in your Dog's Life
You are the most important environmental factor for your dog. For a companion dog, you, the parent are responsible for providing everything that is needed for their health and welfare. Nutrition, Exercise and Vaccinations are your decisions to make. Getting educated on how to properly take care of and advocate for your dog is crucial because YOU are the most important environmental factor for your dog. Get educated here.
Certain Foods May Cause Cancer
Certain foods may cause cancer. Genes, behavioral factors and other environmental influences play a role too. The rate of canine cancers is increasing and unfortunately occurring at younger age. Genetics load the gun and environment pulls the trigger. By avoiding these cancer causing foods, your dog will be healthier, be happier and live longer. Read more here.
The Healthiest and Unhealthiest Dog Food of All
What if there was a way to know what the healthiest and unhealthiest dog of all. We are thrilled to share unbiased scientific research summarized in a database that will tell you what the healthiest to unhealthiest dog food is based on the presence of Advanced Glycation End Products coming very soon. Read more here!
Kibble Companies Don't Care About Your Dog. Period.
Kibble companies don't care about your dog. Period. Regardless of whatever special blend of kibble they produce and market to fix whatever problem that they probably helped to create in the first place. They know exactly what they are creating and also know there is absolutely no way their products are going to do what they are sold to do. Read more here.
Feed the Gut, Protect the Liver and Support the Brain
Feed the gut, protect the liver and support the brain is the recipe for optimal nutrition and a healthy dog. This statement comes from Robert H. Lustig's, MD, MSL book titled Metabolicali n which he meticulously explains the impact of processed food and the increasing occurrence of chronic diseases, like diabetes, hypertension and cancer in humans. The same thing is happening to our dogs. Read on here.
Refined Seed Oils are AGEing your Dog
Refined seed oils are AGEing your dog. They are a silent killer that cause major disease. Examples of these vegetable, nut and seed oils include canola, corn, cottonseed, soy, sunflower, safflower, rapeseed and rice bran and they are found everywhere from fast food restaurants to Michelin-starred restaurants and found in everything from chips, cookies, popcorn, meal replacement shakes, infant formula and your dog's kibble. Read on here!
Donate to Bobzilla.org
The veterinary business is business which is not in the business of curing your animal, but Bobzilla's business is. Bobzilla is committed to one hundred percent transparency in all of its scientific research into animal wellness and prevention of disease and one hundred percent of any donation you make, helps to fund this research.
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