Disease Begins in the Gut

Disease Begins in the Gut

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Disease begins in the gut.  About 2,500 years ago, Ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates said, "all disease begins in the gut."  It was true then and true now too.  In order for the gut, or microbiome to function properly, it needs the appropriate nourishment to maintain a healthy balance of trillions of bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses that are able to coexist symbiotically. This balance is crucial for overall health because optimal health or disease begins in the gut. 

According to Harvard School of Public Health, in humans, if the gut microbiome becomes unbalance, because of "infectious illness, certain diets, or the prolonged use of antibiotics or other bacteria-destroying medications - dysbiosis occurs, stopping these normal interactions.  As a result, the body may become more susceptible to disease."  Disease begins in the gut and the same is true for our dogs.

From a homeopathic prospective, there are two types of disease: those that are acute and those that are chronic.  Acute disease come on suddenly, like hives as a result of a bug bite.  Chronic disease are those that develop over time and require ongoing care. 

Dogs don't just get sick.- there is always a reason and it doesn't just happen.  Disease begins in the gut.  In many cases, it is genetic predisposition triggered by environmental factors, including diet, medication consumption, vaccine complications, lack of exercise or sunlight exposure.  Genetic predisposition coupled with environmental factor creates a disruption of balance in the body. 

In fact, According to Dr. Samuel Hanhemann, the founder of homeopathy, believed all chronic diseases "were the result of contamination from the outside: that is an acute inflection let untreated or suppressed.  For example, let's say a dog gets kennel cough.  He/she is treated with antibiotics, which is a form of suppressive therapy that literally wipes out both good and bad bacteria in the gut and creates dysbiosis, but will cause the kennel cough to become dormant.  The symptoms will disappear.  Unfortunately, they often manifest later on and present in a different form such as allergies or ear infections because the kennel cough was never truly healed in the first place and there is an imbalance in the gut.  Modern medicine is can be incredibly helpful, particularly in life-threatening situations, but it should not be the first line of defense.  Having a strong gut is the best defense and homeopathy can be used to support that.   

In order to help the body restore balance in the gut, the appropriate remedy coupled with diet and exercise ill support the body's natural capacity to detox are return to a healthy state.  You can read more about homeopathic detox and constitutional remedies here

In order for your dog to have a healthy gut, they need to eat a nutrient-dense that includes meat, vegetables and some fruit.  That's it.  This 2019 study titled, "Gut Microbiome: Profound Implications for Diet and Disease" analyzed data from sets of human twins and "revealed that environmental factors such as diet and household cohabitation greatly outweigh heritable genetic contributions to the composition of the function of gut microbiota."  In other words, even if a dog is predisposed to certain disease, a healthy diet creates a healthy gut and can prevent disease because disease begins in the gut.  

Ingredients that create an unhealthy gut include excessive grains and legumes, sugar, palatants, food coloring, and refined seed oils, which are common kibble ingredients.  Unfortunately, the packaging of kibble itself is laden with forever chemicals like PFA's and the ingredients themselves, particularly grains and legumes are sprayed with glyphosate, unless organic. Regular consumption of these ingredients will create massive imbalances in the gut and lead to disease. 

Since disease begins in the gut, there are many ways to support your dog's gut health.  Feeding raw or home-cooked are your best bets as the vast majority of kibble products lack appropriate nutrients.  Learning how to use homeopathy in non-life threatening situations also supports gut health as opposed to using antibiotics or steroids as the first line of defense.  

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