Genes can be Turned on and Off October 4, 2022According to this recent article, " We now know that if genes are present and have not been irrevocably damaged, they are capable of being switched on and off according...
The Problem with the Vet Biz` September 28, 2022The problem with the vet biz is that the whole industry is monopolized by large corporations that have an interest in their bottom line, which is profit, and not the...
Clinical Illness Associated with a Commercial Flea and Tick Products in Dogs and Cats September 25, 2022This not much of a surprise here, but sickness is associated with the use of commercial flea and tick products in dogs and cats. The chemical used was 9.0% fenvalerate,...
Links Between Cancer and Lifestyle are REAL September 24, 2022According to a recent study titled, The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010–19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, "the leading risk factors at...
Why Antibiotics May do More Harm than Good. September 21, 2022 Bacteria is actually a normal, good, healthy thing as long as they are kept in balance. Unbalanced bacteria or an overgrowth of bacteria is when it becomes unhealthy, which is...
Alternative Medicine Works September 19, 2022Just because something isn't mainstream, doesn't mean it is isn't effective. We have found the exact opposite to be true. For example ozone-based therapy has been used to successfully treat...