Bulldogs are the Unicorns of the Dog World

Bulldogs are the Unicorns of the Dog World

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Bulldogs are the unicorns of the dog world. Just like unicorns, they are magically unique and special.   They are loving creatures and are notorious for health-issues like autoimmune disease, allergies, interdigital cysts, dermatitis, cherry eye, dysplasia, which all contribute to a shortened life-span and health-span. 


Research would also suggests that they are perhaps one of the most unhealthy breeds.  There are a lot of reasons for this.  Keep reading. 

Unfortunately, some of this is due to bad breeding, which has created health problems for the entire breed.  Since the year 1210, the breed has changed so much and has come far from their bullbaiting days in England.  They used to literally fight bulls, hence the name bulldog and were thought of as savages.   

Early Bulldogs

Bulldogs are the unicorns of the dog world. They are unique, squishy, wrinkly chunks who are anything but tough or savage-like.  They are generally super chill, hilarious and looking to have a good time with their families. 

These physical and temperamental changes made to the breed to make them so popular have occurred rapidly over the last few decades.  According to this 2022 study, results indicate that the "health of English Bulldogs is substantially lower than dogs that are not English Bulldogs and that many predispositions in the breed are driven by the extreme conformation of these dogs."  These conformations, or physical and temperamental changes were made relatively quickly and breeders used a small pool of bulldogs with desired traits and bred them repeatedly.  Unfortunately, this small pool, also referred to as a founder population, lacks genetic diversity, which is needed needed to keep the breed healthy.  Most bulldogs can be traced back to the same grandparents or great grandparents.  Hereditary diseases are passed down to each generation, which is one of the reasons why they are predisposed to illness. 

In addition to genetic predisposition, they are typically born via c-section.  C-sections are used in emergency and elective situations to increase the survival of newborns and or to save the life of the mother or reproductive future.  As a result, they aren't exposed to crucial bacteria from the birth canal that help regulate the gut microbiome.  

According to this 2021 study, the delivery mode is a driving factor in altering the gut microbiota during gestation and birth.  "Several studies prove the alteration of gut microbiota induced by cesarean section could influence the activation of intestinal epithelial cells and the development of immune system" and "some autoimmune and metabolic disorders may be related to the microbiota dysbiosis in infants caused by cesarean section."  From birth, it is most likely that most, if not all English Bulldog puppies will be particularly sensitive to anything and everything in their environments, good and bad, including food, water, exercise, sunlight, vaccines and medications. This is why bulldogs are the unicorns of the dog world. 

 We believe that because of these sensitivities due to their birth mode and genetics coupled with poor nutrition and too many vaccines results in toxic overload, and is responsible for many of the diseases bulldogs are notorious for.  Vaccines are not tailored to meet the individual needs of each breed, purebred or not, which is why a 4lb Yorkie gets the same amount of vaccine as a 100lb Saint Bernard. Vaccines also contain a whole bunch of adjuvants and preservatives to prolong their shelf-life. 

If you continue to vaccinate each year or every 6 months, or according to how frequently most vets will say, the liver, the main detoxification organ in the body literally becomes bombarded and can no longer function optimally, which creates sickness like allergies, autoimmune disease, cancer etc.  The dose determines the poison and ultimately, the more toxins in the body, the more sickness. 

As for kibble, it is mass-produced at extremely high temperatures, which increases the amount of Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) in the body, which is scientifically linked to increased oxidative stress, inflammation, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.  But, it's not just the AGEs to be concerned about.  It's the AGEs and the sub-optimal ingredients found in kibble including glyphosateBHT and or BHAPFAs, and excessive refined seed oils or too much sugar.

Most dogs in this country, including bulldogs are fed kibble.  Kibble does not create optimal health and you can read more on why here.  We believe that this toxic overload from kibble, too many vaccines and limited genetic diversity in the bulldog gene pool is the driver of diseases we see today in bulldogs.  Since bulldogs are unicorns of the dog world, they are particularly sensitive to everything. If you want your bulldog to be healthy, feed them a nutrient dense diet, provide access to fresh water, movement and sunlight and think very carefully before and if you vaccinate.  If you do decide to vaccinate, please always titer first.  

If you need more help on what to feed your dog, please click here.  If you need more help on how/when to vaccinate your dog, click here. If you have a bulldog, we recommend not vaccinating at all.  You can read more on that here.  If your dog is sick and need some guidance on what to do, visit Bobzilla's Healthy & Happy Life Made Simple here

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